Saturday, March 1, 2014

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Yeah Ive Not Been Posting

You may have noticed, if theres anyone out there still to notice.

This has been a difficult season. Dad fell down the stairs and spent a week in the hospital being observed; fortunately he was just badly bruised and there were no long-term repercussions. This was followed by a discussion with my mother-in-law about how we think she shouldnt be driving anymore; fortunately, she agreed and we will now be spending a certain amount of time driving her around. UNfortunately, this was followed by her suffering from gallstones, kidney stones, and heart irregularities, and the driving started immediately and with a vengeance, not to mention the waiting around in doctors offices. Again, we are lucky that in spite of these problems she is basically in very good health.

While all this has obviously eaten up a certain amount of my time, the real problem (for me) is that it all sent me into a complete funk. Intellectually, Ive known for a long time that we are all getting older. However it was a lot easier to ignore 2 months ago when I didnt even know any of this was on the horizon. So Ive been busy digesting all this change and it turns out I needed such a complete break from the blog that I couldnt even bring myself to post a be-back-sometime message.

Since I have now been able to cope with the idea of posting a be-back-sometime message, I guess that means things are improving, and Ill be back - sometime - probably even this month and if I am able to get myself in gear, later this week. In general, though, I suspect Ill be posting at a slower rate than I was.

Hope you all have happy, holidays, with the people you love, and a healthy and productive new year.

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